Duel comparison movies
26 March 2009
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Tama-negi(my warrior) and Emelaldo played pvp and recorded
our duel each other. We made these videos to help you understand
what happens in diablo1 multi game system.

These videos are not for how to win duels, but for explaining
how warrior moves in rogue side monitors and
how rogue moves in warrior side monitors.

There are very diffirences between them.
Warriors can get many information about how rogues move,
But rogues can't get enough infomation about how warriors move.

In another words
warriors can see rogues well, but rogues can't see warriors well.

Rogue's side is much harder than warrior's side. by Fireicetalon

And I must tell you very important fact that Emelaldo is much stronger
than me as a Diablo1 duelist. He just allowed me to kill him in these videos
to explain those things. Few times I have ever won him in real dueling .

---Warrior vs Sword-Rouge---

D1 pvp comparison Emelaldo's View01

D1 pvp comparison Tama-negi's View 01

recorded in 28 DEC 2008 and uploaded in 29 DEC 2008

---Warrior vs Bow-Rouge---

D1 pvp comparison Emelaldo's View02

D1 pvp comparison Tama-negi's View 02

recorded in 28 DEC 2008 and uploaded in 29 DEC 2008

Thank you El_Nombre for your cooperation!