Ironman general tips tlanslated into Japanese
01 May 2009
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Praedictor Moderator Posted: Nov.27,2004 14:47:33 -
GENERAL TIPS からの翻訳(一部抜粋)

Hotkeys and abbreviations

I need Heal Other   HOよろしく
Stop とまれ
Baiting ルアーする
Run and regroup at the door 退却してドア前に集結
Repair items please 修理よろ
Fall back  さがれ
King Leoric!  レオでた

Join Order
Warrior creates game, rogue joins next, then the mage.
Other variations are possible but the "Shield" hosts game
and the character with the least AC joins last.

wがCして、Rが次にJ、その次がSのJ 盾役をRがする場合はRがCする

Basic tactics 基本戦術

Note: Occasionally, the word “Shield” is used in reference
to the person who hosted the game. Shield is usually the
warrior and host, though she can be a rogue with weapon/shield
setup. The shield’s job is to hold the monsters at bay so the
other members may attack without getting hit.

「盾役」とはゲームをCした人をさす言葉 盾役は普通wがになうが、
剣盾Rでも可 盾役は、他メンバが無傷で攻撃できるようにモンスを

The shield position may also be a temporary status,
for example, when the warrior is near lvlup with low HP,
the rogue takes the shield position while warrior tags with
a bow.

盾役は一時的に入れ替わりも可能 例えばWのレベルupが近いがHPが
低くて危険な場合は Rが盾役を行いWが弓をもつ

DON’T be caught dead with Res scrolls in your inventory.
Drop all the Resurrection scrolls by stair as soon as you
enter a new level.


DON’T put Res scrolls on belt!  


DON’T block the doorway! This is one of the major causes
of death. You should not enter a room until the scout gives
the signal.

ドアをブロックしないこと これで仲間が死ぬケースが多い

DON’T change weapon/items in the middle of a battle.
You cannot do anything until the change is completed,
and you cannot complete the change when you get hit
and so on...

殴り合いの最中に武器交換しないこと 交換途中に殴られてのけぞっ

Choose one member to be the leader, usually the warrior
or ”Shield”. Follow his lead and stay together. Warrior
cracks all barrels and rogue opens all chest and sarcophagus.
Rogue should also run the cursor over doors and warn
if trapped. The mage should feel free to get up and smack
monsters with his staff as long as he is standing next to
the warrior, and can trust him not to retreat or move off
without thinking.

リーダー(普通は盾役がリーダー)を選び、リーダーの後に くっつ
いて行動すること。Wは樽をくだきRは宝箱と棺をあける。 Rは
カーソルをあててドアにtrapがあれば警告すること。 SはWの隣に
立っていてなおかつ、そのWが移動も退却もしないと 確信できる

It’s now time to introduce you to the first battle formation,
“Shotgun”, in conjunction with what is known as “Set and Bait”.
Examine the immediate dungeon layout and go to the nearest
door to setup defense there (Set), otherwise, the party have
no defendable area to retreat to when overpowered by monsters.
The warrior stands on one side of the door and mage the other;
rouge stands a couple of squares back directly inline with the
door. This is the “Rogue Shotgun” formation.

ショットガンもしくはセットアンドベイトとよばれる戦術 「Wがドアの
片側に立ち、Sは残った側に立つ、Rはドアからまっすぐのびる  直線上

One of the party (I prefer the warrior) goes in the next room
and lures (Bait) a few monsters then fall back into formation.
If the rouge baits, she can position herself at the door inline
with the warrior and mage. Other situation may call for the
“Mage Shotgun” formation when the firepower of the mage
is required, especially in the catacombs when Fire Wall is available.
See also the “Slant” formation when defending a corner door.

誘導し (=ルアーし、=ベイトし)、上記の自分の定位置に戻る。
Rがルアーしに行く場合は、ドアのところでWとSと直線に 並ぶポイント
に位置取りしてもよい。Sが炎熱系魔法を覚え たらmageショットガン


Psychology If I have to choose one tip as the most important tip,
it would be "Think and act like a team". Team Ironman is not
about personal glory. Think of the team as one character, a
character with awesome power gained from combining the
advantages of each class. Consider the other characters as your
arms and legs you cannot function without, so protect them
with all your might.

チーム4人で一人の超人的キャラなんだと考えること。チームの 仲間は、
かけがえのない足であり、手であると考えて、全力を あげて彼らを守れ。

Communication In time, you'll get to know your partners' style
of play and be able to second-guess their actions and what they
are thinking of, but there is still no substitute for good


- Announce every item you find. You may think that 3 AC cap is
nothing to write home to and don't bother to pick it up, or use
it on yourself. Meanwhile, the warrior may only have one with 1 AC
or none at all.

みつけたものはすべて申告すべし 例えばAC3のCAP、拾うのもめんどいし
申告する価値もない そう思うかもしれない。しかし一方、チームの先頭に
立つWは そのときAC1のCAPをかぶってるかもしれないし、何もかぶって

- Swing at empty spaces in the general direction of the item
you want your partner to see

. 誰かにみてほしいitemがある時はそのitemにむかって素振り

- Discuss with the group before ID'ing an item.


- Say so if the game pace is too fast.


- Keep an eye on your experience points, tell and ask the others.
There maybe a need for your soon to be wasted HP and Mana if
you're nearing lvlup.

自分のexp数値をよくみておいて、レヴェルアップが近づいたら 周囲に

- There's no shame in asking for help and protection suchlike
when you need Heal or running low on HP rather than die or
use up valuable resources. It is good team play!


Items アイテム

Warrior gets the best armor and weapon; the rogue is next
in line and of course gets the best bow. As for the mage, he might
as well accept the fact he is going to be technically naked and get
only left over armor. If the party finds an extra shield and club in
the dungeon the mage should use them for better protection
instead of the CB staff. The mage shouldn’t be using much spells
in the earlier lvls anyway, he should be standing next to the “shield”
and whack with the staff or club. Save the CB charges for large
crowds especially those skel archers the warrior and rogue have a
hard time to get at. Be careful when using CB, don’t hurt your
partners in the process. Take a look at “Charge Bolt” in the “Tips”
section to learn more.

Rにはその次によいものを、 もちろん弓はベストなものを



Don’t bother to ID the items you find earlier than level 4 except for
jewelry from bosses or unique items that have beneficial properties
the party can use. A sampling of some of the questionable
(whether to ID or not) unique items:

基本的に4F以前にでたものは鑑定すべきではない。 ボスからでた


The Gladiator’s Bane
- Don’t ID. Minus 3 to all attributes is not a
good exchange for the -2 dfe bonus at Ironman level.


Leather of Aut
- Nice armor, +5 Str and +5 Dex. Give it to the mage
unid’ed if warrior and rogue already have armor with much higher
AC, minus 5 to magic is not good.


Nightscape - Minus 40% lr (or any -lr in general) is not a good thing
to have on the warrior and rogue. The monsters will go after the mage.
Minus 40% lr is even too much for the mage to wear because of the
lack of Infravision scrolls. Keep it if inventory space allows,
the +20 resist all will come in handy. Now you wish you have a ring
of Radiance ;p


しかし+all20%のレジストは捨てがたい。 明るさupのリングを拾うことを

Scavenger Carapace - A nice shirt for the mage and rogue as long
as they have a “shield”. Mr. Warrior the “shield” will benefit
from it greatly against range attackers.

盾役のWは弓や魔法の遠距離攻撃を 受けたさいにこの鎧が重宝するだろう

Torn Flesh of Soul - Nice, but the warrior and rogue probably have
better AC. Not worth an ID scroll if given to the mage.


All unique axes are worth an ID when playing the rogue as shield
and warrior as axe.


Other things to watch out for before ID’ing an item is to look at
it’s durability, or charges on a staff. Staves with higher than
normal charges and items with extra durability or indestructible
are probably just Plentiful, Craftsmanship or “of the Ages”
respectively. There is absolutely no gain to ID a staff with extra
charges, you still get the extra charges unid’ed. The question
now is, do you feel lucky enough to get a prefix with that
“of the Ages” item? Generally I like t o save the ID scrolls for
deeper lvls and don’t feel the need to ID items until I find the
going gets tough.

他のものは鑑定前にDUR数値やCharage数をよく確認すべき DUR数値や
Charage数の高いアイテムはof craftsmanshipや plentifullのついた
はずれitemである可能性が高い。つーか、 Agesのついた糞itemを鑑定
するぐらいなら、もっと先いって より強力なitemを鑑定すべく巻物を

When leveling up 翻訳省略

Where to put lvlup points ポイントの配分

Although general wisdom of point distribution applies, there are
several twists in an Ironman co-op game. Adjust accordingly
to the team makeup.


Warrior All points to Dex until maxed. You will be lvl 9 when you
maxed your Dex and you won’t really need any extra Str for
heavier equipment before then. You can now invest most points
to Vit and slowly build up your Str for that Awesome Plate. :)
Unless a Heal Other/Heal stick is found, forget about putting any
points to Magic (see Spell components below).

その後はVITメインにしつつ、AWEプレート装備にむけてSTRを 少しづつ
あげてゆく。healOtherのはいった杖を拾った場合をの ぞいてmagicには

Mage All points to Magic all the way. Only when you find a
heavier staff than you can use should you put points toward Str.

Sは全ポイントをMagにつぎこむ。重いけど使える杖を拾って しまった時に

Rogue - Being the most versatile of the three classes, she can
afford to adjust her point distribution to suit many different needs.
Generally, all lvlup points still go to Dex. Raise her Magic to 17 as
soon as Heal Other/Heal in the form of books or staves is available
to her. Still keeping the main focus on raising her Dex until its at a
decent level, (around clvl 7 with approximately 60 Dex, 2 points
might have gone to Magic already) she may start to put one point
per lvlup toward Str. in preparation of a heavier bow. Or she can
put 2 points per lvlup toward Str in case heavier armor and weapon
becomes available to her. The latter example works good if the
rogue is the host of the game switching between “shield” and bow.

healotherの本か杖がみつかったら即、MAGを17まであげる。 2ポイントを
magにつぎ込んでいるとして、キャラレベル7で DEX60になるから、
それ以降はDEXあげをメインにしつつ毎回 レベルアップごとに1ポイント
(もしくは2ポイント)をSTRに ふる。こうすれば重い鎧も重い弓も装備
できる。特にRが盾役に スイッチする場合など、後者の方法は有効。

Potions, spell components and shrines ポーション、魔法本、shrines

Potions ポーション

Traditionally, warrior gets all half reds, mage gets all half blues,
and rogue gets all full potions - because warrior gets 2x bonus
from healing potions and mage gets 2x bonus from mana potions.
Ideally, rogue should not have to use any potions at all in a perfect
IM game but that’s never the case. Personally, I think mage should
get all mana potions.
The mage can put those full blues to much better uses than the rogue
can ever dream of. The rogue should still carry a couple of blues in
case of emergency.




Rejuvenation potions are to be used only if no others are available,
so ask your partners if they can spare some potions before drinking.
Rejuv are reserved for emergency only, because they can be
shared between everyone in the party when supply runs dry.


Conserve your potions for the deeper levels. Use up the charges
from staves first with the exception of extra mana nearing lvlup.

より深いレベルに備えてポーションはセーブすべき。そのために 杖の

Spell components 本の割当

All offensive spell books goes to the mage, period. The mage
should also get the first Heal Other book in case there is no
more to be found. The rogue gets the first Heal and the second
Heal Other book who would otherwise be wasting mana on lvl ups.
All extra Heal Other books should be read by the mage since
he will become the main HOpper (one of the, if not the most
important role of an Ironman mage) later in the game. The mage
can use Healing scrolls, which are plentiful in the Church.

最初のHealOther 本もSに

Rは最初のHeal本と2冊目のHealOther 本を


Sは教会にたくさん落ちてるhealing scrollを使ってもよい

The warrior can forget about spells altogether with the exception
when the warrior is the sole survivor looking for Res scrolls.
Or, if a staff of Healing or Heal other is found, then it's feasible
to bring his Magic to 17 after Dex is maxed - that would be clvl 9.
Being low level its more important to hit and not to get hit
therefore little need for heal spell. A high Dex'ed warrior should
be able to live on lvl up alone, at least until clvl 6-7, by then he's
nearing max Dex. Usually, there are not enough Heal Other/Heal
books to go around in a game, and the mage/rogue can make better
use of them.

Wは、res scrollを探す唯一の生存者とならない限り 魔法呪文のことは
忘れていてOK あるいは、ヒーリングもしくヒールアザーの杖がみつかった
場合は マジック数値を17まであげることも可能だが、それもDEXが60に

A bonus Mana supply As a mage, I don’t usually read books as
soon as I find them. If I don’t need that spell or plan to use a
certain spell in the near future I’ll save the book and read it
when I need more mana. In other words, I use reading as little blue
potions. The following is a list of the amount of mana gained from
reading certain books. All mana gains are constant regardless of
your clvl, slvl or class.

Sは本をすぐに読まず、必要な時までキープしておく 本を読むことで
manaが回復できるため、本はハーフサイズ の青ポと同様に考えるべき。

以下の表にそのマナ回復量を 示したが、

Spell --------- Mana
Blood Star ---- 25
Bone Spirit --- 24
Chain Lightning 30
Charged Bolt -- 6
Elemental ----- 35
Fire Wall ----- 28
Fireball ------ 16
Firebolt ------ 6
Flame Wave ---- 35
Flash --------- 30
Golem --------- 100
Guardian ------ 50
Heal Other ---- 5
Healing ------- 5
Holy Bolt ----- 7
Inferno ------- 11
Lightning ----- 10
Mana Shield --- 33
Phasing ------- 12
Stone Curse --- 60
Telekinesis --- 15
Teleport ------ 35
Town Portal --- 35


Again, due the nature of Ironman game, the pros and cons of
various shrines are not always obvious. A different
rationale is needed to decide upon when and who should
use them if at all. Make sure to take a look at the Enchanted
shrine in this section.


Fountain of Tears [+1 to one attribute, -1 to another attribute]
- Don’t do it!


Tainted [Does not affect user, other players get +1 to one
attribute and -1 to all other attributes]
- Don’t touch it!


[+2 dexterity] - Goes to rogue for sure even when
found early in the game. Warrior’s Dex is maxed too fast and
the bonus will be wasted once maxed.


Creepy [+2 strength] - Goes to rogue especially if the rogue is
playing shield. The warrior can max Dex early thus leaving a lot
of lvlup points to invest in Vit and Str. Maybe nice for the mage
too if that means he can use heavier/useful items available.


Eerie [+2 magic] - Mage gets first consideration, then rogue if
she needs it to use Heal/Heal Other.


Quiet [+2 vitality] - Warrior gets.


Cryptic [Cast a Nova spell and restores Mana]
- For mage. Empty your Mana ball before you use the shrine
. Make sure your partners are out of the room when you use it.


Divine [Restores health and mana, gives two full potion rejuvenation,
or one full potion of mana and one full potion of life] - Empty your
Mana ball before you touch the shrine. Usable by warrior and rogue
too, but a Heal Other from the mage makes more sense.


Spooky Shrine
[All other players get life and mana restored]
- Same usage as the Divine shrine. Cast Heal Other on warrior and let
warrior touch the shrine.


Holy Shrine
[Casts a Phasing spell] - Sure, if the immediate area is
cleared. Go nuts, have some fun. :)


Magical Shrine [Casts a Mana Shield spell] - Are you ready to use
Mana Shield yet? Do you want to waste your mana pool when your HP
can take the beating? If not, let the warrior have some fun too.
See how long he can keep that little Mana Shield up. ;p


Murky Pool
[Casts an Infravision spell] - Very useful for scouting,
especially when the mage or rogue uses it with minus light radius
items. They can pick off the monsters one at a time without activating
other monsters. Don’t forget to shift-click when using bow, otherwise
you would just walk toward the monster instead of shooting if the
monster is not activated.

偵察に最適 SやRが暗闇アイテムを装備しているなら

Mysterious Shrine
[+5 to one attribute, -1 to all others]
- The rogue and mage can benefit from this more then the warrior
since his vital stat, Dex, can easily be maxed.


Secluded Shrine [Gives complete map of current level]
- Yes, if the scout doesn’t get confused as to where he’s been.
Otherwise, let someone else get the map, it will help the party
determine choke points and course of action.


Spiritual Shrine [Gives a small amount of gold to each empty slot
in your inventory] - Nice little bonus in a tournament, when gold
is used as a tiebreaker. Empty your inventory before touching.


Eldritch [All potions become rejuvenation potions] - Collect all
potions from everyone first. If the party is not using up potions,
then wait to get more before using this shrine.

最初に全員のポーションを集めてから触ること 集まったポーションが
少なければ、もっと集めてから触る 誰が触ってもok

Glimmering Shrine
[Identifies all items in your inventory]
- Same reasoning as using ID scrolls. Wait until you can fill your
inventory with “good drops”.


Religious Shrine [Restores all items to full durability]
- Wait until you need it.

レベルを全クリアした時点で触っておくべき。 優先パーツは相談必須

Stone Shrine [Restores charges in all staves] - Wait until you
have some decent staves and have a little fun emptying them


Hidden Shrine [-10 durability to one item equipped,
+10 durability to all others] - Is the gain of 10 dur on 3 item
(2 if bow) worth the risk of having one item (semi) unusable?
Generally not worth the risk for Ironman unless you have
something that begs to have it’s dur raised such as a TC,
because you might not find another Hidden shrine. The party
will have to make the decision based on items found.


Fascinating [Lose 10% of maximum mana and increases
Firebolt 2 slvl] - Firebolt maybe your main offensive spell for
the whole game if you don’t find Fire Wall later. If this shrine
is encountered early in the game, it may well worth the gamble.
Besides, you don’t actually lose 10% of overall mana except
when lvlup and using full potions. The mana globe of a
conservative Ironman mage is hardly ever topped when using
half blues.

Sが触るべき。 FireboltはもしFirewallがのちのち、ゲットでき
なかった場合に メイン攻撃魔法たりうる魔法なのでゲーム開始初期
にこのshrineと 遭遇した場合は賭けてみる価値がある。IMでは
マナゲージが フルに満たされてるなんてレベルアップ直後かフルポ
使った直後 ぐらいもの。

Ornate Shrine [Lose 10% of maximum mana and increases
Holy Bolt 2 slvl] - Sure thing if you don’t have HB before
facing Leo. The resources lost from facing Leo without Holy
Bolt if far far greater than the mana lost from using the shrine.


Sacred Shrine
[Lose 10% of maximum mana and increases
Charged Bolt 2 slvl] - Not worth the trade off


Blood Fountain and Purifying Springs

[Restore 1 HP/Mana per use respectively] - Take advantage
of these as much as you can especially on the same level
where they are found. Push as hard as possible without
putting yourselves in danger then run back to the shrines
to get refreshed. The team may want to set a town portal
there for easy access later.


Goat Shrine and cauldron
Random effects [What you don’
t know can hurt you] - Don’t touch these without careful
planning. Besides that they may not be a desirable shrine,
they can be dangerous! A Nova from Cryptic and Phasing
from Holy can kill you and the party.


Enchanted [Lose 1 slvl for one spell, all other known spells
gain 1 slvl] - Don’t touch it! Best to wait until all levels
of the Catacombs are cleared or until 2 Enchanted shrines
are found. The following discussion assumes only one
Enchanted shrine is found in the game… and keep in mind
that certain spell staff may offset the pros and cons, and
if you find more spells on the deeper levels and still have
access to the Enchanted shrine, then you may reconsider.
The following samples are books dropped in actual games
with full clear of the Churches and Cats. While I have only
included six samplings, they are pretty typical examples of
Ironman games.  


少なくともcataを全クリアするか2個目のenchanted shrineが


Sample 1
Books: 3 Heal, 2 Heal Other, 2 Firebolt, 3 Charged Bolt,
1 Mana Shield, 3 Fire Wall, 1 Inferno, 1 Holy Bolt.

Total of 8 spells with 5 of them at slvl 1 (If the party had
distributed the book properly, the mage should have only
one Heal and Heal Other). There’s a 62.5% chance you
will lose one of the spells and 1 in 8 chances you’ll lose
the use of Mana Shield or Holy Bolt. While there’s no use
for Holy Bolt after the Cats, it’s still a very useful spell
to lure and use against Diablo if the party ever make it that
far. Sure one can look at it as 7 in 8 chance to gain an
extra slvl in each spell, so lets look at what you may gain.

使えない状態になる。その3つとはインフェルノと HBとMS。
HBはcata終わってレオ倒してれば用なしって 考えがちだけど
実はdiabloの誘導に非常に有効(先の先の話 だけど)。

-Heal - almost useless after Mana Shield
-Heal Other - nice
-Holy Bolt - nice
-Inferno - useless
-Fire Wall extra slvl is nice but level 3 is already quite usable even in hell.
-Firebolt and Charged Bolt (note: Firebolt is already lvl 4 since mage
gets 2 slvl at startup) These 2 spells can be deadly in a normal game
when used properly, however, they are not mana efficient for Ironman.
Especially in the deeper levels, they should not be used unless in desperate
situations such as being swarmed. The mana is better used to heal other
players. The Ironman mage’s main offensive spell is Fire Wall for its
damage and mana efficiency. Learn to use it well.
-Mana Shield - No spell bonus or saving in Mana from extra slvl.

-Heal - Mana Shieldがあればほとんど用なし
-Heal Other - すばらしい魔法
-Holy Bolt - すばらしい魔法
-Inferno - 不要
-Fire Wall- スペルレベルアップがくれば有効だがlv3ならnorm/hellでもじゅうぶん
-Firebolt and Charged Bolt - (FBはすでにlv4、開始時点でlv2だから)こ
-Mana Shield - ここでsplvが1あがっても何の変化もなし、 スペルボーナスも        

While an extra slvl on any spell is nice but they won’t make
that much of difference except in mana saving. What you
really hope to gain is an extra slvl of Fire Wall; weigh that against
the possible lost of Mana Shield and Heal Other, I think not.

スペルレベルがあがることはすばらしい事だけど、実際には マナコストが
下がる以外に何も変わらない。みんなが一番 望むのはFWのスペルレベル
アップだけど、MSを失いHOが スペルダウンする可能性を重くみるなら、
ここでenchaを 使う選択肢はないと自分は考える。

Sample 2

2 Heal, 2 Heal Other, 3 Firebolt, 1 Charged Bolt, 2 Inferno,
2 Telekinesis, 2 Town Portal, 3 Flash, 2 Lightning.

This sampling has a 33% chance of an Enchanted shrine turning
against you. Again, I would suggest leaving the shrine alone.
Remember that being a HOpper is the most important role of an
Ironman mage in the deeper levels. He cannot afford to lose
Heal Other. Sure, the rogue has Heal Other, but she will be quite
busy herself while the mage can be totally protected and do
nothing but Heal the other partners. It would be nice to gain an
extra slvl on Lightning, but slvl 2 is not too bad vs a chance of
it turning to slvl 1.

IMのSはHOPPERとしての役目が最重要なことを思いだせば 結論は自明

Sample 3

1 Firebolt, 3 Charged Bolt, 1 Mana Shield, 1 Fire Wall, 1 Inferno,
1 Telekinesis, 4 Town Portal, 1 Flash, 3 Holy Bolt, 1 Phasing

This is bad, real bad! Only slvl 1 on two of the four most important
spells (Heal Other, Mana Shield, Fire Wall and Lightning) in an
Ironman game and no Heal Other… Good luck!

HOもってないって最悪! しかもMSは1だ! 幸運を!

Sample 4

2 Heal, 1 Heal Other, 3 Firebolt, 4 Charged Bolt, 1 Mana Shield,
1 Fire Wall, 1 Flash, 1 Holy Bolt, 1 Phasing

Definitely not! Don’t touch that shrine.


Sample 5

1 Heal, 3 Heal Other, 2 Firebolt, 5 Charged Bolt, 1 Inferno,
3 Holy Bolt, 1 Stone Curse

The only consideration against using
the shrine here is the possibility (1 in 6 chances since the
only Heal went to the rogue) of losing Stone Curse. But 60 mana
(57 if increased to lvl 2) required to cast a Stone Curse makes
it a spell good only if you are having a panic attack, and against
some tough bosses. I would take a chance and touch the shrine.


Sample 6

4 Heal, 1 Heal Other, 3 Firebolt, 4 Charged Bolt, 1 Mana Shield,
1 Fire Wall, 4 Inferno, 2 Telekinesis, 4 Town Portal, 5 Flash,
1 Lightning, 3 Holy Bolt, 1 Phase, 1 Stone Curse

This was a good game as far as the variety of spells is concerned;
but I still would not touch the Enchanted shrine. At first glance
you might think 1 in 14 chances of the shrine turning against you
is not bad, but there are actually 5 spells (not counting Phasing)
here at slvl 1 you do not want to lose. That’s almost 36% chance
you would lose out, and losing one of the four most important
spells is not an option.


Attika Wayfarerの反論(要点のみ訳出)
Posted: Mar.9,2005 04:44:49

- Abandoned [+2 dexterity]


Creepy [+2 strength]


Eerie [+2 magic]


Fascinating [Lose 10% of maximum mana and increases Firebolt 2 slvl] -

マナの総量が減るなんてまっぴらだ。 このshrinehaは触らないのがベスト

Ornate Shrine [Lose 10% of maximum mana and increases Holy Bolt 2 slvl]


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