La2H warrior's Guide for Beginners
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01 Oct 2008
I learned how to slay monsters with axe from old Japanese warriors.

02 Oct 2008 Natu-Mikan

diablo1 LA2H guide for beginners


Natu-Mikan LV37 warrior
life451/mana215/ac72/resist all max/Tohit203/damage128-149
king's staff of speed 8-16 88-162
OBS robe of the mammoth 36%+73life
royal circlet (110)
Amu of zod +20all
OBS ring of perf 39%+28dex
Drake's ring of heav +46mana+13all

La2H = Low AC 2 Handed

recommended warriows
Charactor Level : level41or higher
Armor Class : less than about 100
ToHit : clvl+Tohit>=240 ( EX... lv39 warrior need ToHit>=201 )
resist : all max
life : over500
mana : over220

wepon : King's Axe of Haste

"of harmony" is usefull for beginners

other weppons :
King's axe of speed
King's axe of speed + harmony
King's axe of vampire
King's staff of haste/speed
King' sword of haste/speed
King's maul of haste/speed


1.always keep space for the south of your warrior

run into this space
when you need healing
when you want to take distance away from enemies
when you want to tele to another place
We call this space as "Malick space"

2.kill monsters with 1vs1

3.keep shaking your wepon with "shift+click "
and wait monsters coming

We call this skill as " Kiri-kaeshi "

8 directions

click points away from your warrior to stabilize your axe

witches tele :)

2.stop your moving and look for the witch that is not walking

3. right click her ( your warrior start to tele)

4.left click her in the air

5.your warrior will hit her automatically as soon as he lands

6.hit her untill she die

We call this skill as "Telepo-Giri"

many witches

Do horizontal walking before you heal youeself
Give priority to heal yourself more than killing witches

Golem is useless (and they call more witches from the next room)

We call this walking as "Huriko"

1.Enter Storm's right
walk right above,
and apporach.
2.Bigin to shake your
axe with shift+click when
you approach up to
this distance.
3.Keep shaking your
axe in the direction right
and wait for
Storm's approach.
4.Your axe hit Storm
and it got knocked back !
Keep still shaking your axe
in the direction right above.

5.Storm approached
again,and your axe hit it
again. Storm got knocked
back again :)

6.Repeating 3~5,
you can kill Storms
without getting any hit,
getting any damage.
This is " Kiri-kaeshi "skill

practice 3 patterns of killing storms
enter storm's lower left and shake your axe for above the right
enter storm's right under and shake
your axe in the direction right above
enter storm's lower right and shake your axe for above the left
Run away below if you get storm's attack
and wait the storm coming down with your axe shaking


kill maws in the same way as killing storms
If you are using KIng' axe of speed , see this page jump

Lava Maws belong to Animals.

Swords get 150% damage against Animals.
Clubs get 50% damage against Animals.

Using King's maul of haste/speed against Maws is very hard

Blood Slayer (uniq axe) also dosn't work against Maws
because Maws are not Demons
+200% damage against demons ( Triple damage )
It doesn't work againt them

I'm also on my way of learning how to kill storms and maws.

Please see my favorite video if you like
you need to download .LZH file and extract it to see

Keganist and Thinkdozer are killing storms and maws in this video
Their skills are godly!

They have already left D1
But I am encouraged to all the axers to see their video

video data
date / 10 Sep 2002
level / 14F in hell difficult
Player /

The axer wearing Armor in this video is keganist
keganist ( Warrior,Lv41. Life 548 ) Mammoth x2, Zod x3, Strange Axe Of Haste
And the axer wearing Plate is ThinkingDozer
ThinkingDozer ( Warrior, Lv47, Life 532 ) Whale, Stars, Zod x3,

They are our legend


The order which enemy to kill is important
Always kill the one away from the group
The one on a right edge is it


cooperate with your friends to kill mages :)
see this video

Diablo 1 La2h H2

El_Nombre is well known La2H player in Jpn-1
You will learn many things from his video

mass control

the best way for beginners :
turn back and lure some monsters outside the room
and ambush them behind the gate

agressive way:
tele to the north and lure monsters (you will get wide space in the south)

tele to the south and kill some monsters repeat 2~5

thx for your reading