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We use Corel DRAW 7 for designing.
Here we show you one by one how we design or draw a ribbon-type hairbaretta which is matched by 2 same formed wings.

If you want to know about the function, please touch the below mentioned items click, then you can jump on each function.

Guideline-Bezier curve | Clone Mirror | Node | Separation | Trim | Paint | Brend

Guideline.gif 3KB

1. Guideline Bezier curve

Matching the metal fittings of the baretta, we draw the guideline vertically and horizontally ready. (It is easier to draw if you match the vertical point of the ruler to the center of the paper width.)
Now, draw roughly, because you need to correct later anyway!

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2. Clone and Mirror

Select a ribbon drawn by item 1, and make a clone on the same point. (Should the position of the clone appear incorrectly, adjust the position of "Tool>Option>Recopy")
After selecting clone and if you apply the mirror to the vertical and horizontal direction as it is, then it will move to the blue line position, so it will be better to do as follows.

Clone and Mirror 2.gif 3KB

First, apply a snap for the guideline. Draw a lager rectangle for covering whole, keep pushing shift-key, from the center position where the guideline is crossed. (Any circle or oval is acceptable, if you succeed to cover whole area).
Next, keep pushing shift key, select the clone-ribbon and rectangle, and apply the mirror for the vertical and horizontal direction.
Then it will be aligned symmetrically from the centerpoint.

* If two ribbons are located inside of the rectangle, it should be a correct alignment.

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3. Node (Correction of the form)

Select the original ribbon (not the clone) by adjusting tool, move the node or control point, and readjust the form.
By aligning the original ribbon, then the clone ribbon will vary (matching the original ribbon) too.

* If you correct the clone, then the relation with the clone cannot be matching anymore, so please pay attention.

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4. Separation

After obtaining the form balance, select 2 ribbons (original and clone) and separate them in order to release the influence by the clone.

* For an actual manufacturing the products, you can finish now, but you can continue further process in order to see the feeling of the completion.

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5. Trim (1)

Let us make a crossed ribbon style (the right side of the black ribbon turns down below the grey ribbon). For this style, you have to eliminate the shadow area from the black ribbon.
In such a case, the function called "Trim" will be convenient.

* Trim means elimination of some doubled areas.

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6. Trim (2)

If you go on "Trim" immediately, then the left side of the black ribbon will be eliminated too, so first of all, copy the grey ribbon onto the same position(see the position of clone)
The blue ribbon copied this. Clicking by free-hand-mode, draw a form surrounding unnecessary area.

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7. Trim (3)

Select the multi-angles drawn by 6, push the Trim-button. (for holding the original, it must be checked by the other objects)
Then, a big arrow cursor will appear, click blue ribbon by this arrow-sign. Blue ribbon should have been trimmed now.
Select also the blue ribbon (trimmed area), and trim the black ribbon.

* You see, the trimming has been done twice.

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8. Paint

Paint the other ribbon by graduation (Paint graduation>Preset>circle form-grey).
Let us try to pain the other ribbon by texture (some suitable motives for texture painting).

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9. Blend

How about a design likes putting a stone-chain.
Firstly, draw a piece of stone in a right angle and circle, so to becoming a group. Draw a line aligned by stones put the drawn stones on its 2 positions.
Designate now the before-drawn line on the new path and execute blending.

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These pages are only Japanese

Copyright : 1998-1999
Akira Ogahara/Hideko Ogahara
Translation : Mitsuo Nomura
Ogahara: zzz@m3.people.or.jp